10/1/53 Written Notarized Instructions

October 1, 1953

Morton H. SIlver, Esq.
1112 Biscayne Building
Miami 32, Florida

Dear Mr. Silver:

We, the gene4ral Council of the Seminole Indians of the State of Florida, understand that two petitions have been filed before the Indian Claims Commission supposedly on behalf of the Seminole Indians of the state of Florida.

Since it is not our desire or intention to accept any money from the United States of America, now or in the future, we have agreed that this thought should be conveyed to the proper United States Government officials. (emphasis supplied)

Furthermore, we wish to have the fact made known that such petition have never been authorized by this Council.

We will also acknowledge that we have been advised by you as to the inadvisability of this course of action, but we have made our decision.

Witness:                                                                           Very truly yours,

Leo M. Alpert (by his sgn.)                                                                        Ingraham Billie
Buffalo Tiger (by his sgn.)                                              (by his (X) mark)


Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public of the State of Florida, at Large, on this first day of October 1953, BUFFALO TIGER, who being by me first duly sworn deposed as follows:

1. That he is the official interpreter for the General Council of the Seminole Indians of the State of Florida; and
2. That he has read and translated the above and foregoing letter to the said General Council to the best of his ability; and
3. That the above and forgoing letter correctly states the views and decision of the said General Council.

(by his sgn.)
                                                                                            Buffalo Tiger

Sworn to and subscribed before me on the date first above mentioned.

  Eleanor S. Sharp (by her sgn)    
Notary Public

My commission expires:
….March 23, 1956

October 1, 1953 – letter to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Secretary of Interior, Washington D.C. from Morton H. Silver.  Same letter sent to Attorney General, registered mail, return receipt, c/o Mr. J. Edward Williams.

(Re-typed for clarity)                                                                                         October 1, 1953

Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Secretary of the Interior
Washington, D.C.

Dear Sirs:

I have been asked by the General Council of the Seminole Indians to write to you and convey the following information in reference to two petitions filed before the Indian Claims commission, numbered 73 and 73A.

The General Council has stated that the aforesaid petition have not been authorized by them or for them.

The General Council has stated that it is not their desire or intention, now or in the future, to accept any money from the United States Government.


Morton H. Silver

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